3rd International Conference on Applications of AI in Smart Technologies and Manufacturing (AISTM-2025)
3rd International Conference on Applications of AI in Smart Technologies and Manufacturing (AISTM-2025)
3rd International Conference on Applications of AI in Smart Technologies and Manufacturing (AISTM-2025)
This conference is bringing together educators, industrialists, scientists, and researchers to discuss and share their ideas and findings across various scientific fields, all aimed at enhancing community welfare. The rapid advancement of technology has
significantly transformed many aspects of community life worldwide. With the integration of smart technology, education in technical colleges and universities has become more accessible, transcending traditional boundaries of time and place. Additionally,
the influence of new technologies is evident in research and development, leading to innovations that address challenges within the science and engineering communities. This dynamic environment compels educators, industrialists, scientists, and
researchers to be more innovative, adaptive, and open-minded in contributing their best to society. The conference invites papers that explore topics such as Smart Manufacturing Design, Smart Technologies (including smart materials, smart cities,
and smart energy technologies), AI applications in healthcare systems, IoT, and Optimization Algorithms for sustainable development in Engineering and Technology. Several esteemed figures from industry, research organizations, and academic institutions
have confirmed their participation, highlighting the benefits and challenges of advancements in smart technologies and mechanical engineering across a wide range of modern engineering applications.